Sunday, November 16, 2008

I want her Style ~ Grace Slick

I have this crazy theory about how I was born in the wrong era. The 60's and the 70's have always captivated me, and helped me develop an almost unhealthy obsession with bands like Jefferson Airplane. Their front woman Grace Slick with that incredibly haunting voice has had me hooked on their sound since the day I first heard White Rabbit. If you have an appreciation for the psychedelics, then you must have you some of J.A.

Style-wise, I am in love with Grace Slicks laid back folksy way of dressing. And I will be eternally jealous of those fabulous sunnies she is rockin' in the last photo. As for cool points, she has dated Jim Morrison and tried to spike Richard Nixon's tea with LSD. Now that is rock n roll.
Grace Slick is now a renowned and well respected artist.


  1. I love White Rabbit! One of my favourite songs ever since I heard it in the movie The Game.

  2. I WANT HER HAIR TOO! Why everyone has nicer hair than me?!

  3. Wow! I think that's all to say about it!

  4. Her the sh*t!

    haha i love your blog! thanks for coming by mine! I'm so jealous of the fact that you live in P.i., and me being filipina like you, i haven't been there yet! Sucky for me. Looks like you be having a good time out there!

    Great blog girl! Keep in touch:)

  5. I'm like that with the 50's! My mum always says I should have been born when she was :D

  6. Wow her hair is to die for! And I love her illustrations as well!

    The concert was super FUN!!! Rihanna is the bomb and Chris Brown is my New Found Crush! heehee I'm struggling to find my camera cable but will upload pictures soon!!!


love love love love ♥