Monday, December 29, 2008

I don't wanna be your friend.. I just wanna be your lover..

jeans - customized bench, plaid shirt & boots - vintage, locket -markets

I have absolutely no idea what that death stare is all about.


  1. lol is that a rubber band around your head?

  2. Are you sitting in a pile of presents? :)

  3. I love your facial expression your last picture.

  4. bahahah i always end up with a death stare somehow as well... yyou look good though! love the plaid and headwear!

  5. I love your outfit.. And those brown boots sitting next to you.. :D

  6. My Christmas was very quiet as it is every year unfortunately but it provides a very intimate space for the people whom are spending the day with you. Thankyou for asking. How had yours gone dear? Back from Spain yet?

    Btw i think your 'death stare' is exuding a rather sexy look there ;O

  7. Thanks guys!

    Yves - Uhmm its some elastic headband, but now that you mention it, it does look like a rubberband.. uhuh ghetto like that lol

    Allie - Actually only the Chanel to the right was a gift.. But I actually got quite a lot this Christmas, so maybe I'll do a post about that tommorrow.

    Eelie - Im actually in Cebu, whihc is another island in the Philippines. I was born here, and lots of my fam is still here.. Im still here but heading to the other island tomorrow.. NYE cant be celebrated without sand between my toes! =)


love love love love ♥