Friday, January 9, 2009

You did it again, Miss Moss.

Saving money on my tuition, meant more shopping for me. I bought the Kate Moss Style book on a whim, and loooove it. It talks about how she started in the business, and stood out because of her grungy 2nd hand style. A must read for all those who love her.

Meanwhile, I am sketching, painting, coloring and coming home with ink all over my hands, and I couldnt be any happier. This school thing really is something.


  1. I'm not her biggest fan, but I do love her work & style.

    I'll have to check the book out!!

  2. OOOHHHH I WANT THIS BOOK! wow - thanks for the peek! xxxx :) LM

  3. I was so going to buy that book before Christmas, I MUST pick it up now, it looks amazing.

  4. what are you studying dane? sounds very fun. :)
    can i just tell that i LOVE your bow in the last post. make me one when i come? puhhllleeaassee?

  5. Is this the book written by Angela soemthing? :)

  6. Have it, love it, learning it!


love love love love ♥