Saturday, April 25, 2009

I'm feeling rough, I'm feeling raw, I'm in the prime of my life.

possibly one of my first ever DIY's, dress that used to be a long tiered skirt - thrifted

I am not going to lie, the last 3 days I have done nothing remotely fashion oriented.. Its been all work, sun and fun, with the exception of the styling I did for Paula's little fashion show. Last night was my last night working an event, and so I finally had a chance to let loose and do silly things.. and witness the sun rise on white beach.

Today I have soup for brains, so I will keep this short.. I am also a little late for another night out. Holy two month vacation.. I am having so much fun with my life these days. I am truly blessed, thank you to the man upstairs! It looks like I will be extending my vacation.. I love Manila during rainy season, so I will see you all there in July!!

...and thanks for all your comments, I especially loved reading about everyone's Starbucks names.. I guess I'm not so weird after all!



listening to Time to Pretend - MGMT


  1. your life is pretty rad. a life i could just dream about. haha. partying like there's no tomorrow.

  2. I really like the way you emphasize the silky sensuality of your back and shoulders, with bustier OR asymmetrical effect, full of subtle SEXYness . . .

    à Bientôt, Antoine

  3. Great outfit...I really hope you had a blast.



love love love love ♥