Thursday, May 14, 2009


vintage striped shirt, people are people denim shorts, victoria's secret bikini top, forever 21 gold rimmed wayfarers

When I pack, it gets stressful. I can never find what I am looking for and get agitated and become a pain in my boyfriend's arse. Seriously. I just go into a panic; I hate to forget things. It doesnt help that I have a 6am flight and then am heading straight to the Dept of Foreign affairs, to get my passport renewed. A nap will be overdue by lunchtime tomorrow.

For the next two weeks, the chances of me having a decent internet connection, are slim - but I shall try. I will, however, take a million photos and document my ever so hectic mini vacation from my vacation. If everything goes according to plan, I should be getting my labels done, doing plenty of thrift shopping and antique-ing, raiding someone's attic, attending mega-sales and watching some stuff come down the runway.

Also, I am thinking about cutting my hair again. I initially decided to grow it long again.. but I am getting so bored with it. But that has always been a problem of mine. Photo #1 was taken in May 06.. Photo #2 in June 06.

Hmm.. kinda missing my long hair now.

See you soon, Loves!

, dane


  1. I think you would look awesome with a medium not so short short haircut!! Sometimes it's good a change. I used to have really long hair then cut it just over my shoulders .. makeover!
    Now i am letting it grow again.

  2. oo..where are you going for your vacation?? I love your long hair.

  3. have fun at the city dane! and woot on getting the labels done. thissisit! lol

  4. Have a fun and SAFE trip. See you when you get back :)

  5. I'm all about changing up the hair. And there's something so sexy about the pic of you with fringe. ME-OW!

  6. Hope you have an absolutely amazing time!!!

    I like your hair how it is, but I have to say, in that may 06 picture, it looks SO effortlessly glamourous!

    Can't wait to see what you pick up in your travels

    Bambola x

  7. so dane, where are you headed exactly? boracay.. sigh, what a dream. i'm still debating whether i should continue "spontaneously attacking" moalboal tonight. gad, i miss the beach! all the best in your vacay, luv.

    much love

  8. Oh hey, I found you! I take a long time uploading photos (including yours) so very sorry about it, I'll make sure to leave a link comment when it's up!:P

  9. Oooh, love those snaps! Have a wonderful holiday and remember (this is my motto anyway), 'the more stressful/chaotic the preparation, the better the vacation'. Something my best friend in high school and me came up with ;)

    I love both hair lengths by the way :)

  10. You are sooooo gorgeous baby. I love the hair now and then. These images are too good, I am a total sucker for palm trees haha.

    Kisses, China L

  11. Tine & Eden - I am in Manila now.. trying to handle business =)



love love love love ♥