Saturday, June 6, 2009

It takes both rain and sunshine to make a rainbow.

So monsoon is officially here which means wind, rain and more rain. Normally I thrive in such conditions but these last few days have been bringing me down in more ways than one. The problems are piling up at rate my pitiful problem solving powers cant keep up with. Now if only I could muster up the strength to walk out of my room and buy myself something sugary like the coffee ice cream I have been craving for - maybe that will lift my spirits, even if only temporarily.

My joints have been aching as a result to my obsessively cutting and sewing.. and it just makes me wish I would see results faster, and that my ADD wouldn't drive me so crazy. I need a cure asap and have no inspiration as to where to find such, and In my search landed myself on a website with pretty pictures.. which brought out a faint, tired smile that lasted me long enough to gather some strength to do a post.

The last photo has got to be my favorite.

Photo Source - TFS


  1. egad, don't we love the rainy season D? love how they could get away with stacking up layers all year round in other places. i can't wait to dig out my blazers from my baul nah.. and ack, love how she jacked up her pleather leggings... but hmmmmm... wonder if i can do it...

    btw, good to note that you and aimil sarmiento are cousins.. no wonder you gals are both incredibly lovely!

    much love


  2. These pics are fabulous... I love checking out M.O.D. (models off duty)... such amazing style! Love all the skinny jeans, and that little jacket in the first pic is adorable!


  3. ahhh ADD - i'm seriously the most easily distracted person on the planet. i started doing yoga a couple of years ago and that seems to help. :)

  4. absolutely love the pants in the first picture

  5. Love all these outfit, great! <3

  6. Oh Dane you are not the only one. It's been raining like crazy here.
    Anyways, i loved the outfits. specially the short colorful dress with the black blazer..

  7. Think of the rain not only bringing a rainbow, but washing away the crap and cleansing for AMAZINGNESS to come!

  8. The grey jumpsuit at the start is heavenly!

    x x x


love love love love ♥