Friday, April 2, 2010

And babyshambled when you're timid at the shows

[ Photo by Erica Paredes ]

This photo was taken at the METRO shoot, I promise you a behind the scenes post as soon as the issue hits stands in a month. A bikini, sarong, sunnies and hat are pretty much all I want to wear all summer.

It has become too hot to exist.. the beach is flooded with people and my airconditioning broke down due to the voltage fluctuations and on top of that, the events on our front beach are soundchecking as early as 9am. Doesn't leave me many choices other than running off to the windy kite beach and relying on frozen yogurt to keep me cool. My revenge is up tonight, with a fast promise at a night of eternal confusion, drowning in liquor and dancing into the dawn.

Happy Holy (Hell) Week everyone! ;)

PS: I had to show off my beautiful baby sister Sabrina who is now the proud owner of my purple RenegadeLovers bag. She is my absolute muse and I adore her immensely.


Keep on formspringing! x


  1. Look at those fantastic abs darling !
    I haven't been to ur blog for quite awhile..missed it much !
    Can't wait for the other photos :)

  2. OH how I would love to live your life on that beach!

  3. Oooh I interned at METRO last summer and got to work with Erica :)

  4. i love the bag. and the shades!
    are you gonna be selling them soon at your shop? :()


  5. woah that bag <3

    I'm kinda jealous of your hot hot heat,
    tis bloody freezing over here, still.

  6. Your sister is just as gorgeous as you!

  7. your sister is you!
    and i love your bikini...even with just a peak of it, i know it's polka...whoot!

    ps. the bag is awesome too!

    ♥ bags of love giveaway | vanilla ice cream ♥

  8. woahh that is one huge AMAZING bag! and can we swap? i can´t take the cold over here already.



love love love love ♥