Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Our veins are thin, our rivers poisoned, we want the sweet meat, we want the young blood..

When Hannah suggested we do a shoot while I was in town, I knew I couldn't say no. One day I caught myself gazing at Brian M. Viveros' work in a mesmerized daze, I had to suggest we try something inspired by it. Perfect for the mood I'm in nowadays, sick of the pretty pretty and craving for the bloody and radical.. all this fake blood was morbidly fun to play with. It was such a joy shooting with her, she is amazingly professional and prepared, and it was all over in a jiffy, we didn't have to use too many frames. My boy Michael Chavez did the makeup, in his usual spectacular fashion.. and he even let me keep my insane eyelashes. Thank you Eden for taking over the BTS.. you are amazeballs ♥

The end result is on Hannah's blog.


love love love love ♥