Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Something like a phenomena, baby, you're gonna get your body off..

 wearing The Landmark black shorts, Mom's vintage silk shirt, Parisian wedge, Forever 21 leopard clutch

My birthdays usually consist of all sorts of shenanigans on sand and around coconut trees but this year I took it back to the concrete jungle. The days building up to it were tainted by an incident I wont elaborate right now, but will only describe by saying that it left me in pieces; shaken and lost. I hopped on a plane and even then, knowing I was somehow running away from my problem, I still felt on the verge of a minor collapse, only comforted by the thought of being near loved ones within hours. I decided I would not let this dampen my spirit.. its been a challenge but I was perfectly successful in putting my grief behind, even if only for the weekend.

After a major house party, the struggle of getting through a hangover, a quick visit at Mercato with my girl Erica and a nap I didn't wanna get up from, we went to what has quickly become my favorite joint in the city, The Balcony, to meet friends for drinks. Opting for something other than deliriously wasted youth drawing obscenities all over their drunk friends and unplanned cake fights, I had invited only a handful of people.. enough to cover a couple of long tables, and help me drink all the vodka and tequila that Christine graciously provided. I reveled in the conversations and hugs that I shared with people I truly cared about, and it was everything I could have hoped for. I guess I'm coming to the realization that quality indeed trumps quantity.. in other words, I must be growing up. And to be honest.. I have never felt so young in my life.

 Oh and PS: on my actual birthday, I got a surprise and got to do this :


  1. Dane.
    May all your deepest wishes come true. All the blessings for you.
    Happy Birthday.

    PS i LOVED your outfit. ♥

  2. Happy belated birthday! Looks like the kind of celebration I'd wanna be at...especially the dolphins!

  3. wow vodka,
    nice picture, thats a lot of fun

  4. Sounds like you had a great time Dane! That was one hell of a surprise huh? Happy birthday again!

    One Love,

  5. super love your blog!!!!!!! belated happy natal daY! mucho hugs.



  6. lovely photos!! love your outfit <3 and amazing clutch!!

  7. Nice outfit and I hope you had a happy birthday!
    Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog

    x FashionFifth

  8. Happy Birthday and may you have many more of these types :) Have a great weekend!



love love love love ♥