Monday, December 19, 2011

Your mind's pulling tricks now, the show is over so take a bow..

wearing Zara maxi dress, RenegadeLovers clutch, Yosi Samra ballet flats

Every girl needs a pair of foldable flats that can fit into her handbag.. especially when you are a barefoot walking beach bum like me. On my last trip to the city, I received a little package in the mail, thank you Charmaine Palermo! I wasn't sure about the color at first, as it seems I have become somewhat of a color snob lately in my purchases, but after a few outfit changes, I realized it was a pretty versatile piece to have in my closet, and its comfortable beyond measure. These photos were taken on a day when I was feeling brave enough for my own version of color-blocking, and when I needed to wear my most balloon-like dress in order to fit all the food my girl Erica was feeding us with on her cooking show that day. More photos of that in the next post!

In other news, everything else sucks right now. It seems no matter what I do, December just can't be my month. I feel homesick to the Nth degree, I do more worrying than sleeping, and the stress makes me physically sick. Its exhausting. I wish I could teleport myself back home for a couple of weeks.. nothing like Momma's cooking to ease the heavy soul. For now I will settle for counting the days until my boy gets here.. at least he has offered to share his Mom with me. There's the silver lining..

Tic toc tic toc, December, go away!


  1. Love your shoes - I want something like that! And don't worry, there's always a silver lining no matter what :)

  2. so pretty. hope to see you soon na super na talaga. miss you!


  3. I know the holiday blues feeling. It may not be much, but I'm doing the best I can to send you some island love through the computer. I hope you enjoy your man and his mom, and hope you're feeling better soon ♥

  4. blue looks amaze on you!!

    happy new year little lady!!


  5. happy new year Dane! <3
    may 2012 bring more love ( for you...and more adventures too.

    ♥ vanilla ice cream ♥

  6. Those flats are ridiculously perfect, that colour!


love love love love ♥