Saturday, January 26, 2013

All about that, personality crisis, you got it while it was hot

I was always under the impression that lighter hair made me look younger.. and possibly friendlier. But after piling on the pound of makeup I wear to work, I am starting question that all over again.

But then again, maybe my filthy nicotine habit is to blame.

So I'm halfway out the door to test drive the "new me" - back with a conclusion soonish, which I can hopefully come up with after all the chemicals have stopped seeping through my skull and destroying my last 4 brain cells.



  1. can I just say how amazing your blog is?

    and I have never gotten round to saying this--haha, maybe shyness got the better of me.

    would you mind if I add you to my blog links?

  2. yup lighter hair looks better on you !

  3. I love everything on you - your hair, your necklace, your top <3
    would you like to follow each other?


love love love love ♥