Its embarrassing really, but I might have turned into one of those happy people I've always despised. Maybe that's exaggerated, but I am content with my journey and excited about the year to come. I am learning more and more about myself and how not to plan for a change, and to just go with the flow. So far, so good - even if all the costume making is driving me up the wall, the satisfaction I get from seeing someone in something I made from scratch, is enough gratification. I cant wait to show you guys Christine's costume, and mine and Mars' of course.
We took a little trip to the mainland the other day to buy more materials, mostly masks, feathers, sequins and glitter - clearly Halloween is serious business around here - but we also made a little stop at the pet store and adopted 3 little bunnies. Not surprisingly, out of the 3, mine is the most hyper and has a big bum.. I didn't know I was going to finally find my match in a rabbit out of all things. He's a moody little bugger and loves to scratch me and jump high up in the air but I love him nonetheless, and named him Vegas after my favorite North Kite.
Last night we had a little party for Bang's birthday and ended it by sitting in lounge chairs on the beach, just 3 of us in the end, gazing at the shockingly beautiful navy sky studded with an unusual amount of bright stars scattered all over like glitter.. In our intoxicated stupor, each of us swore to having seen several of them fall, but I guess that could have just been our buzz talking. As another perfect night was ending, with the sun pulling up and the sky turning into a powder blue, I once again became aware of my undying love for this little piece of heaven..
PS: Thank you, Allie! I munched on the Hurricane Popcorn today, the cookies are almost finished and tomorrow I am going to dive into the Guava Jam before I head out and try my new little camera! Big kisssss ♥
PPS: Erwin's Sushi boardshorts make me hungry.
PPS: Erwin's Sushi boardshorts make me hungry.

hi dane, is it sunny there in bora? will be going there this saturday, oh i hope it won't rain this weekend.
Love the skirt!
Love you more <3333
futomaki boardshorts!!!
love the maxi skirt. I'm hiding my hurricane popcorn from the ex-bf. If he finds it he will make it and eat it. Why is Allie so great??
I loveloveloveloveLOVE your maxi skirt !
wow ur a busy busy girl! haha all your hardwork will pay up :) have fun in halloween!
bubbbbbbaf.blogspot.com :)
you look fantastic... your content aura is shinning through:)
wow, i love ur skirt.. u putting that up for sale?
Anon - Its a little overcast right now, but was sunny earlier. From what I know, the typhoon will hit the north, not us here.
Allie - <3333333
MayK - Allie is so great because Allie is Allie <333
RockChic - Thanks, I made it for myself earlier this year, if I can track down more of this fabric, I will put some skirts up in the store, will keep you posted. =)
I love your rings.
LOVE your skirt; your nails; and yoru accessories!:D
You look lovely. Your jewelry is so great!
that is one amazing skirt lady
gorgeous skirt!
your skirt is so pretty
love your accessories and adore the skirt... i miss hot weather and bright prints, being in the cold drizzly UK makes me want to wear monochrome everyday! how are you darling, nice to hear that you're in a good place in life :) xoxo
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