I guess the downside of too much partying means one day waking up completely drained and physically exhausted. For me that happened the morning after the rabbits were attacked. It doesn't help that a lunatic and dangerously deranged "party girl" from yesteryear has her sights set on making our life hellish, all while maintaining an exaggerated tone of self-righteousness.. Some people are just an embarrassing excuse for an existence and have no business expressing their inconsistent and therefore irrelevant accusations. Obsess much?
Due to all the emotional baggage, my body has been throwing massive warning signs telling me to slow down, my sugar levels spiking and crashing uncontrollably and my migraine being more persistent that ever. I reserve the right to stay out of the scene and sit myself back down at my sewing machine to regain what strength I have lost and refocus on whats important.. God willing, I will find some peace again, soon.
How do you de-stress?
DIY mask, lonely planet dress
omg that huge bowl or currywhateverthatis looks so good! i like to de-stress by doing silent screams or lying in the grass and just staring at the sky and thinking about nada! walking or running it out works, too. hope you're doing ok, dear, sorry to hear about your wabbits, such a mean dog!
My de-stressers: Surf, ballet class, cinnamon rolls, floating on an inner tube (or any blow-up water device) in the ocean, and girls nights :)
I hope things mellow out for you soon girl. xoxoxo
i envy u that u live near the beach and parties all the time. hehe. as for the negative vibes, dont think about it much coz u r fabulous dahlin. fabulous!
I hope you start feeling better soon !
try some yoga/meditation for the de-stress x
watch a movie, do yoga, blog! haha
wow the pics are so the cobrasnake, no? love love love. uhmm, sorry about the rabbits again. i love dogs and all but sometimes they're just mean. hope you cope well with the stress. bei mir ist es auch gerade nicht anders!
cyberhugs on your way!
Wow! That's a nice cake!
Kat - Thats a huge pan of PAELLA! Yummmmmmy.
Buenas noches
I just wanted to say hi :)
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