Three days of doing nothing by the river can do wonders to one's soul. I am still so overwhelmed by the peace I felt there that I have half jokingly announced my seriously considering switching professions and going from fashion fiend to farmer, to which I received loud protests and giggling as a response. I have always been very close to nature, being the one responsible for the gardening at home, and have never been much of a city slicker.. I have the fondest memories of vacationing in our cottage in Austria with my family during summer and winters and picking up fresh milk and eggs from the farm down the road.. walking for hours until we hit the waterfalls and swimming by the lake. Its no wonder every chance I now get, I cant help but run off to the little farm by the river in the middle of the jungle to find some solace..
I came home to a little flood in my inbox. I had completely forgotten that Rosanna featured me for yesterday's Phil. Inquirer. I chased around the island at nearly 5pm hoping to find a copy, to no avail.. luckily Mars (always the rescuer) was able to buy two copies past sunset. Thanks for the feature, Rosanna! You can also read the article online.
I also found out I was nominated for Tongue in Chic's Annual Style Awards, you can vote for me HERE! ♥
After so much excitement, I was ready for a beer or two until I was ready to conk out just past midnight. I have aprons to finish, curtains to make and then its up to me to watch the shop while everyone sails off to Seco Island - I am incredibly jealous, but maybe this is what I get for running off to neverneverland on short notice, haha. I know I also have lots of going through my google-reader to do, so please bear with me, I'm totally on it! x
*wearing striped RenegadeLovers maxi dress, Rayban sunnies
congrats for the interview!! and the pictures are gorgeous!
Lucky you...I totally feel like running away to a river right now! So cool i thought that the first pic was an underwater shot! Your braid is amazing too. Hope the shop and fashion business is booming for you sis x
I saw you in the papers yesterday, and I decided to check you out instead of studying for the SATs.
I am so jealous of your braided hair.
Love your blog, everything is great. Thanks for posting :)
your hair is absolutely gorgeous! great images too. thanks for sharing
thx for the comment on my blog .
AWESOME! for both the pictures you've taken and for that newspaper interview ! id die to be included in those kinds of magazine/newspaper article !
i love the raybans very much ..
love ur blog .
will be following ur blog .
hope you'll follow me too !
glisters & blisters
Congrats! You're fricking amazing.
hi, Dane! looking at these photos makes me miss the beach soooo much! the 1st photo is so nice plus your hair looks really amazing!
congrats on the feature! :)
Thanks for visiting my blog!
I'm in love with everything, your beautiful hair, the idylic setting, that pint of beer.....so envious, it's freezing cold in the UK!
ooh, congrats! love your braid.
Gorgeous pictures, you look fabulous.
congrats on the feature! i love love love your side braid. i tried to do one today but failed miserably... how do you do it??? xoxo
Nice braiding and CONGRATULATIONS!!!
Your hair is so lovely, I want it!
Congrats on being featured in print, must be very exciting.
Your hair is so lovely, I want it!
Congrats on being featured in print, must be very exciting.
you take great pictures!! what camera do you use?
oh my! lovely pictures!
love the pictures!!!
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