Halloween is my favorite thing to celebrate, so I always tend to plan my costume carefully. I started sewing my dress and Christine's (Alice) about 3 weeks ago, after a little trip to the mainland. I take great pride in having put both dresses together.. and the sleeves! I was absent during the sleeves portion in my class, so, HA! I wanted it to look exactly like the dresses from the Disney movie, but I kept mine short, thank god because we were practically melting in the humidity last night.
I write this to you in a hurry, but will leave you with a few photos to do the talking instead. All I can say is, if you weren't here, you missed out!
How was your HALLOWEEN?
PS: Thanks to my two lovely readers who came up and said hi last night. ♥
this is definitely a super fun party!. i like your costume. The heart on your top is so cute. Half black and red. Amazing.
Even your nails matches your dress. cute.
I Am Denise Katipunera
I LOVE your costume. Totally amazing.
Funny how the skanky halloween costume is universal though. Not yours, but I see a few asses and boobs hanging out unnecessarily in these pics. :p
Ms Cons - Did you mean the 4 sexy cheerleaders? Hehe. If you look closely you will see that one of them is wearing my name on his/her back.
Oh and skanky will never go out of style apparently, which is why I make my own. I wouldnt want my behind hanging out, although with my minimal boobage, I can usually get away with a low cut front - not much danger of spillage! =)
could you look any more perfect?
Great pictures :) Looks like you had tons of fun !! I love your costume :)
Dane I love your blog sooo much!. When I read it every morning I feel like I can do anything. I want to learn to sew and travel as well;reading your blog makes me realize that its aboutngoing out there and doing something. Your halloween looks so fab!, how did you begin sewing??
Love the Alice in Wonderland costumes! Your costume looks amazing! Wish I could make my won costumes as well, super love Halloween! :)
Loving your costume, it's so well done and you look beautiful in it
We dont celebrate it here, and I had an exam! How cruel is that.
Ahhhh! You look great love. You never cease to amaze me and make me wanna party with you.
WOW Dane. You look so cute, so in character too. What an awesome party and lovely shots - isn't Halloween the greatest?
PS love that shot of you laughing your ass off :)
such a creative costume! i would've never thought of being the queen of hearts. did u make the dress urself? ^^
awww this is so fun!!!!!!!!!!!! costumes are wicked!!!!!!!!!! we had one mental party here in cebu too... glad the spirit of halloween conquers phils!!!!!
one of the best costumes I've seen> you are so effin talented * *
LOL you had a blast!!! We had great Halloween Party at our appartement. It was so much fun <3
Crazy people! Love it!!!
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