In the name of Halloween, I dug up photos of one of my favorite little horrors of all time. Well, its not really a horror movie per se, but It works. I also remembered their preppy goth wardrobe style, and that inspired me even more so to do a post about them. When the movie came out, I was going through a punk/goth phase. I only wanted to wear black eye liner and combat boots and my jeans were always ripped and torn. My favorite character [of course!] was Fairuza Balk's Nancy, who was semi psychotic and insecure at the same time, and who hid behind her eye makeup and dark red lips. But only after uploading the photos did I realize that a lot of the trends we see in fashion today, were used in this movie.
Combat boots - check.
Knee high socks - check.
Stripes - check.
Plaid - check.
Blazers - check.
Oversized cardigans - check.
Heavy jewellry - check.
Leather jacket - check.
I must say, Im pretty impressed by this little list.
And just for kicks, here are some fun quotes from the movie The Craft.
Bonnie: The almanac says today will bring an arrival or something.
Nancy: Yeah, wonderful. I'm getting my rag.
Bonnie: A new wholeness and with it a new balance, earth air, fire, water... maybe it's our fourth!
Nancy: We don't need a fourth.
Bonnie: Nancy, We need someone to call the corners; North, South, East, and West.
Rochelle: Four would make a circle
Nancy: Maybe she could be our fourth?
[motions to female security guard]
Nancy: I love a woman in uniform!
Chris: Why didn't you answer the phone?
Sarah: It's three in the morning Chris.
Chris: Oh. Yeah, I guess that's a good reason... hey, you know, I was thinking we should move in together.
Sarah: I don't think I'm ready for that level of commitment.
Chris: Oh. Sarah, I can't stop thinking about you. I can't eat, I can't sleep. I think I love you. I've never loved anyone before... well, except for my mom and this little puppy I had when I was little...
and my fave
Driver: Watch out for the weirdos, girls.
Nancy: We are the weirdos, mister.
Hmm, I really should download the movie again!
YES! I loved this movie.
And my friends and I tried to play 'light as a feather, stiff as a board' at many sleepovers.
OMG I loved this movie back in high school!! I love Robin and Neve!!!
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