Thank god for the giant mirrors in the hallway, or else I would never have an outfit shot. So as you can see, I have a new friend, Mr. Cybershot. I just hope we get along better than I did with the Canon. We just weren't compatible, especially the night when Er/P.A. & I were too wasted to hold it, and ended up dropping it face down in the sand. Who knew lenses were so sensitive? heh.
One of the things I want to make a pattern for is a pair of drop crotches. Pattern making is fun, but full of fractions. I have never been friends with numbers. But with the help of amazing jersey fabric, I think I should wing this one. I want them in all colors.. why do they only come in black?
My Internet is miraculously a little faster tonight so I will try to answer everyone's comments. Hope everyone is well!
P.S. I'm totally crashing from my sugar high in class. Chocolate + cookies + iced tea + candy + mallows ++ 4 hours = (crash + burn).
listening to cold desert - kings of leon
One of the things I want to make a pattern for is a pair of drop crotches. Pattern making is fun, but full of fractions. I have never been friends with numbers. But with the help of amazing jersey fabric, I think I should wing this one. I want them in all colors.. why do they only come in black?
My Internet is miraculously a little faster tonight so I will try to answer everyone's comments. Hope everyone is well!
P.S. I'm totally crashing from my sugar high in class. Chocolate + cookies + iced tea + candy + mallows ++ 4 hours = (crash + burn).
listening to cold desert - kings of leon
lol MC Hammer Pants!
I love your drop crotches. I must wear mine again soon.
I am rather jealous of your class sugar high. All I got in class today was an earful of abuse from our resident grumpy old man.
hey dane :)
yeah my friend is really enjoying it too. hmm there's Dianne, Ani, and one of my other friends which I heard is their classmate ;) I'm actually thinking of taking pattern making there too when I get home, cause I wanna make my own clothes and not buy the pricey ones that look so simple that even I could make it! only you know, I cant really. haha so there, I wanna be able to make simple dresses and skirts. I'm very doubtful about my sched once I'm back tho.. well, one thing at a time ;)
I'm taking Fashion Styling and Hand Sewing, Mending, and Alterations. I'm really into the hand sewing thing and our homeworks. It's very handy, I find. Of course I know how to sew on a button, but like sewing up hems and additions to things are so useful to know too. hopefully I get really crafty at it! I'm more the altering/customizing type rather than designing. ;) LOVE the school though, it's excellent. Even if I actually wanted a career here, I'm positive the school can help me jump start it. Gives all the right networks.
Ouch thats the worst part of eating all those yummies and especially in class! Bad bad you ;)
I know right! How dare they not make drop-crotch pants in many zany and beautiful colours. I'm excited to hear you can make patterns! It looks all so tricky :(
Hope you're doing well dear :)
ok ich versuche auf deutsch zu schreiben aber lach mich nicht aus wenn ich was falsch schreibe. ich bin naemlich erst 3 jahren hier und ich habe nur 6 monate in der volkshochschule deutsch gelernt. seitdem lerne ich nur noch von buechern oder von meinen arbeitskollegen. :)
ja ok i tried. A for effort. i am a perfectionist and i always ask everybody to correct me if i say something wrong. and if i don't understand something, i ask everybody to spell the word so that i would remember it. haha. so you could imagine that my workmates would all run if they see me wanting to talk with them. :)
du wurdest aber auch mit englisch erzogen, oder?
You're right, woman! My drop crotches are seriously not as droppy as yours. I want a pair in another color. Reeeeeal bad. I saw this blogger who had a denim pair! But I forgot what her url is. So sad, so sad.
Do you have an email?
Love the pants!! :)
ahhh ur so stunning and amazing outfit by the way - great self taken photo, lift mirror? hehe
love that tune cold desert, im going to listen to it now.
thanks for the collage today, my attempt if i couldnt fail? id start my own cafe... random huh?
ahhh ur so stunning and amazing outfit by the way - great self taken photo, lift mirror? hehe
love that tune cold desert, im going to listen to it now.
thanks for the collage today, my attempt if i couldnt fail? id start my own cafe... random huh?
simply beautiful!!! you look stunning...at your free time try visiting my blog: Spa
k love the outfit :)
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