I was gonna cut this to make it more wearable, but after all that effort, I think its gonna stay this way for a while.

- I cant believe how busy its been! I survived my exams.. phew. In pattern making, I learned that numbers confuse me, and that I am much much more efficient at creating a pattern from scratch.
- #2 photo is the skirt I just finished. Zipper + kick pleat + lining.. not something for the impatient. Still debating whether I should cut it or not.
- #4 was supposed to be a beach themed day. I came in flip flops, I swear.. but found these boots and paraded around in them.. My design instructor told me to stay in them all day, but honestly, I wasn't about to run out for lunch in them. Way too humid for that, and I don't really enjoy people honking at me during my lunch break.
- Today our theme was "anything that starts with a P". How vague, I know. I fell asleep with the dictionary in my arms.. I was thinking about doing either "principal" or "penguin", but decided for "pirate". I know, It could have been more pirate-y.. but I did end up tying a silk scarf around my head for emphasis. But at the end of the day it still couldn't compare to Aram's.
He came in pajamas and a robe.
He even went to lunch like that. Genius. - I have had no life! Ive just been sewing like a maniac, and playing with sequins. Thank god for tomorrow's lunch date with some people I love... my girlfriends! And a party on Friday, how exciting. I am praying for lots of vodka.
- How have you all been? I am so deprived of my Internet privileges. But I miss you all and your wonderful blogs!
I am starting to make my own stuff and so now all I need is a label name. I could of course use my full name, the blog name or even my old tag name (spanishfly).. any suggestions? ♥
listening to Les Artistes - Santogold
Can you please please please make/sell those skirts, I would buy them in a heartbeat :)
dear lord, I am drooling over those shoes in the 3rd picture! Those are shoes you just NEED to have :D
Perhaps the name of your other blog is a good name for the line. But it may pigeon hold you.
Oh, and what's wrong with the skirt length? You could just leave it for now and hem it when you get bored of it.
And those boots are TDF! Glad to read that you're doing well and keeping busy. The excitement of my new job venture is slowly wearing off, and getting started in this biz is proving to be as hard as everybody says. Ugh...but it will get better. I know it.
what you're doing now is sooooo cool.
keep it up girl.
and i love the skirt you've made.
i love spanishfly.
where are the shoes from dane? :) they're craaazzyyy cool. get them. and love how your skirt turned out. and love the aa-ish pocket skirt from topshop. there are too many things i wanna say about this post, too little space and time. haha. i think spanish fly is cool. but maybe you can come up with something cooler. i dunno. i'll buzz you if something comes to mind.
Sick boots from Mommy! Mine has a tall sleek brown pair in her closet that she won't let me wear even though I've never in my life seen her wear them! When my parents were together me and my bro would take their matching boots and play with them in the house!
you have a prize in my blog!!!
those boots are holy crap amazing.
you did such a great job on that skirt!
About the shoes you kind of want but you're not getting - I know the feeling. I have been wanting a LOT of stuff but I have been broke.. Thanks to my spur of the moment, very impulsive decision to buy tickets to the Philippines. Haha. :)
That second skirt is amazing! It looks fantastic on you. Well done, I'm sure that would have taken a load of effort!!
Bambola x
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