- Its been a tough week.. I lost a dear friend, I will truly miss her.. and yesterday was also my Dad's death anniversary. I spent the day looking at photos, in tears, sad to be missing him so much and happy to be a part of him, still. I don't think I fear much in life. But losing loved ones scares the living daylight out of me..
- In an attempt to distract myself, I took a plunge into more DIY's. My workspace is such a mess, you'd think I had tried to assemble something that caused an explosion. I took some leatherette scraps and decided to make myself a fake Chanel pendant, inspired by all the blatant fake Chanel DIY's these days. It ended up being quilted - makes it a little more sturdy. I did take photos of most of the process so just let me know if it calls for a tutorial.. Its a great little DIY.
- We have all seen the little lace bras floating around lately, worn over or under over sized tanks and thanks to Amanda for tweeting about it, because otherwise I might have completely missed this one. I did have a little leftover lace from the time I bought half a yard to make myself lace gloves for a party I never attended.. and some leftover black jersey, hook & eye enclosures, black garter and scraps of black satin. It was fun making it, it looks delicate but the lace is actually quite sturdy. The jersey is practical because the stretch factor makes it unnecessary to dart the cup, unless of course you know how to/want to. Mine isn't darted, and the straps are made out of black garter because there is nothing I hate more than bras that cut into my shoulders.
- I got my Ann Demeulemeester knockoffs yesterday - sadly I cant even stand up in them without getting blisters. So frustrating. They are gonna be sent back tomorrow. Sad sad.
- Trying to do a little researching about fashion schools in the US.. maybe I will find the perfect one to get a degree at. Fingers crossed.
- Oh and OMG to this.
So glad the weekend is almost here. I need a stiff drink asap. Meet me there?
XO, dane
PS: Yes I filled my eyebrows in. Im lovin' the strong eyebrow/barely there makeup.XO, dane
you never cease to amaze me my dear. sorry to hear about the ann d lookalikes.
that's lovely miss! you are so talented. the pendant is super cute too.
sorry you've been having a hard time lately :(
love the lace bra. wow! I've never updated my bras for almost years now. hihihihi.
i am loving the brows.
wow, am really sorry for your loss. That's my greatest fear, to lose someone dear to me.
Baby, you are REALLY GOOD!!! The stuff you make is SO fab. Hope the search for a school goes well, although I will be REALLY sad if you leave before I come and live there permanently...♥
that bra looks amazing! im envious of your talent.
hang in there ♥
you made the bra?
oh man,
how much for one? haha
Dane, the bra is gorgeous. I am not so sure that i can pull off that look!
i love the look. Strong eyebrows and little makeup.
i am loving the new layout.
oh Dane.. i knew i was forgetting to ask you something.
is that your natural hair color? if not, what color is it?? i love it and i need some root retouch!
kisses darling.
Hope you are ok, glad you chanelled your feelings into something positive, that lace top is great.
you look great --
sorry for your loss :(
I love that bra. I find triangle styles so much more comfortable.
Honi - I hope I'll still be here too love! Safe travels xo
Daisy - I wish I could make all of my readers one for free, shit I would totally send you one. One day, sweetie.
Karen - I need some root retouch too but I am too lazy! No this is not my natural color, my hair used to be a medium brown, but it changes with the sun.. I had some highlights done in March which now has turned a little orangey. haha
aww, you are in my thoughts pretty lady. glad to hear you are surrounding yourself with creativity and positive thoughts, though.
Ok lady, how much for a bra and how fast can it be sent to Hawaii??
I heart you, I'm so sorry to hear about your friend. Everyone fears losing a loved one. Your dad is always going to be there with you, you're never without him. Maybe your dad can say hello to mine :)
the bra is so sweet and so cute. i love it. and so is the necklace. im so sorry about your friend. i hope you feel better.
wow what a beautiful bra...U are very talented. Sorry to hear about your friend.
>>> Rebecca Rose
Agh!! I love that bra!! I've been looking for one like that for a while now!! It' so great to wear under loose tank tops!! I'm super jealous of your ability to make that!!
the lace bra is so nice! can you make me one please?! hehe :) you are really talented and creative, Dane. plus you are very photogenic! and about the Ann D., that must be very disappointing, arrr!!
and sorry to hear about your friend..
you made that bra? its awesome!!! it reminds me of the ones rumi neely always wears. you should sell it! :)
the lace bra is absolutely amazing...
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