We finally made the blog meet happen. Saturday night I was extremely hungover and grumpy from hitting the bottle too hard after Germany lost their 2nd game in the World Cup. Well, I could either go home and fall asleep mourning or stay up until sunrise. After my first drink it was an easy choice.. not so easy to get up the next day for a family lunch - after only 4 hours of drunken sleep. So, Saturday night, when Eden texted saying she was running late, I seriously almost fell asleep watching a game.. I was exhausted. It took all my strength to heave myself out of bed and get into my wedges. But it was totally worth it. Meeting Eden and Yves was a breath of fresh air, what a cool duo.. and Yapi was just as lovely in real life as she is on her blog. And when everyone else started arriving, it was a flurry of a meet and greet, topped with the fight against the typical loud music. I felt like a bit of an oldie amidst a sea of young hipsters. It was my first time at Loft and I was pleasantly surprised.. if only I had more energy to do anything but nurse my drink and snap the occasional photo. Typical me.
The next day we met up for the shoot and IT. WAS. AMAZING. I cant wait to share the photos when the article comes out.. Armand is quite the talented young photographer, Yves is like a walking menswear ad, Eden is like a sister from another mister and the rest of the new breed of Cebu's stylistas are just beyond radical. You'll see.
wearing my boyfriend's TopMan tee, Mango skinny jeans, SM dept store wedges, gifted leopard satin scarf, DIY necklace & gifted Forever21 cross ring
your blog is just awesome! following you. xx
and oh, glad you had a blast. too bad i missed the meet-up.
this looked fun. and germany totally lost their cool on that game. i almost cried. LOL
those jeans are like tailored for you dane! LOVE
oh wow it sounds so fun! i can't wait to see the pictures from the shoot :)
babe, everything here is LOVE. okay. the DSLR companies should hire you as their spokesperson or sumpthn. cuz you jsut about convinced me to get one in like, a second. the shots are LOVVVVEEEELY. im over the moon with them. haha! btw, i'm so grabbing that shot of us together. will credit you. its gorge!
btw, you are totally a sister from another mister for me as well. awwwww. xx
see you wednesday, ayt?
all of you look so fantastic...oh I miss the girls in Cebu...it was nice seeing the stylistas again...too bad I wasn't able to meet Eden when I had my vacation in Cebu :(
lovely post Dane...
you rock with your simple outfit...
take care love
Hey dear long time no talk! Looks like your having fun there! Love that cross ring of yours. Enjoy Cebu
Great pics.. can't wait for the article, it'll be awesome. Well done on being trule fab Cebuanos and cebuanas:) xx
i.loves.it! tis saturday again!?!?!?!
Great photo! I like your style...
How cool! ANd you look awesome as usual!
hahaha! i am so pa-cute! just dumb-struck because you are more awesome in person..and tall too!hehe.
sorry i wasn't able to catch up at vudu...got so wasted that night. my sister made me drink lots...haha!
♥ vanilla ice cream ♥
this is awesome! we've been planning to have a blogger meet up here in Manila too but sadly, it hasn't pushed through yet. we're parking it for a little while coz everyone's so busy. hope i can meet you guys in person too!
by the way, i love the cross ring and the boyfriend tee!
do send me some love over at deathbyplatforms.blogspot.com
awwe... too bad i missed this one :(
looks like you guys had sooo much fun! you all look exceptionally stylish!
i love all your rings, Dane!
Danielle! I'm so jealous. I wasn't able to come. papa didn't allow me. Hope I could join you, guys on the next meet-up. ;) following your blog
Fashion Toy Gun
Cute! Blogger meetups are so much fun!
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