No rest for the wicked! After some awful decision making last Friday (no dinner+lots of booze) and a bit of a blackout, I have locked my party shoes away and dedicated my time to mourning my social life. All well deserved considering I had to put the pieces together after said night.. I woke up to mysterious text messages, drunk dialings and a big gaping black hole where my memory should have been. Its taken me a couple of days, but I have finally figured out what happened.. I didn't lose anything, made it home in one piece, didn't commit any crimes or sins and can credit my endless bruises to the apparent reckless dancing that was going on. Nothing new but nevertheless.. Tanduay shots on an empty stomach is no joke. I'm officially grounding myself.
I wore this that Friday I was in Manila.. Its the perfect party dress if you ask me. Bras are useless anyway. The socks are quickly becoming a favorite.. something very kooky and odd about a grown woman wearing little girls socks.. I can feel a habit forming.
great photos girl ! looks like u had a lot of fun
xx lue
Aw man, yeh it really sux having a night like that. Feel for ya sista but maybe its a good thing in some ways...great to have the opportunity to ground yourself.
You are looking mighty fine here! Diggin those adorable lace ankle sox and that last B&W pic is the shit!
how cute are those photos!
i know what you mean! good thing you didn't need to go to a hospital? drinking on empty stomach causes gastroenteritis. I've been to the ER twice bec of that, had to inject omeprazole IV on my bloodstream
Awesome shoes!
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