I wouldn't be AWOL for this long if it weren't for my malfunctioning inner-netz connection at home in Cebu. I swear. This wireless modem thingy I got is a big fat piece of poop.
My mojo has slowly made its way back into my life, and Its refreshing, not feeling like the roof is going to come crashing down on me. Being back and with family is just the greatest gift ever, and I have a new found appreciation for the freedom of walking the malls on my own and wolfing down mickey dee's at 5am. I wish I had more time online to catch up with my favorite bloggers and reply to comments, but I am merely mooching off other people's connections, so maybe now is not the time.. but I will find time later! Promise!
What I wanna know is what everyone got for Christmas.. I hope you all had an amazing time opening gifts. I will do a post about what I found under the tree when I get home, but lets just say I have been very blessed on this trip, emotionally, which is exactly what i asked Santa for this year. I cant wait to end this year with our crazy "like-its-1999"-like NYE traditions, and welcoming the new year by witnessing its first sunrise ♥
ps: sorry for the shitty photos.. its that time of the month again for my Canon. hmmft.
hi girl!
nice to hear from you.
well xmas is soooo good. lots and lots of gifts from my hubby. he's the sweetest.
oh i love your genie pants. so cool. nice shades you have there.
Cute sandals
yay alive!
love the last look x
i love your style!!!
ooohh..that chanel purse..
lol no need to answer my last question. you're still in Spain teehee ^_^
I am glad to hear that Santa granted your wish for an emotionally UNturbulant time at this season. Me? i got zip, nadda :O But i would be deeeeelighted to have received those genie pants! They're wonderful :D
Girlfriend, you're rocking those genie pants! They're fricking awesome!
you rock those pants ♥
great outfits, and love your bag!!
wanna trade links?
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