Christmas is usually the time of the year, when my depression hits an all time low. My family lives in Spain, and i have not made it home in a few years. I have an amazing lifestyle here, which just wouldn't be possible for me to have in any other place, but that does not make my homesickness any better during the holidays.
I arrived in my hometown yesterday, after an excruciating 4 hour flight delay, and 2 hours of sleep. I literally had enough time to just drop my bags off, hop in the shower, and make my way back to the city to have dinner with my Nana. A friend of my Mom's from Germany was kind enough to drop off a package for me, sent with love by the best Mom ever. When she asked me months earlier, what i wanted for Christmas, I told her I wanted some of her amazing silk tops, and her vintage Chanel. I would never pay such an obscene amount of money for a handbag, but just having something passed on to you that used to belong to your Mother when she was your age, there is nothing more special to me than that. Not to mention that she has the most beautiful silk blouses from Zara, Atom L. etc. In Spain, we shopped predominantly at Zara, Bershka and Mango, way before it became the "in" thing. Here in the Philippines, Zara is ridiculously priced, and I would never be silly enough to spend so much on something, especially after taking a look at the European prices on the tags and doing the math - they slap on another 20 dollars for a pair of shoes.. seriously you are all being ripped off.
In the package, there was also a set of old photos of mine, growing up in Germany and Spain, at which I chuckled, especially after seeing the one of a 9 year old me, in some RayBan Wayfarers. And those M.I.A.-ish sweaters, well, I would wear those all over again. And check out the one of my dressing up in Moms fur, and pearl earrings.. i guess fashion is just in us, we just never notice how inclined we really are until we get older.
So now my Christmas spirit seems to be back - and with a vengeance, might I add. After picking up my care package and spending time catching up with my cousin, who is getting married in three days, I hit the mall for some midnight madness, and bought heaps of gifts, to pass on my good fortune. You should too!

Thanks, Mom ♥
You look adorable.
oh! great pictures.
i like the one with the eye make up and red lips and huge earrings. hihi. cute.
oh gosh, am depressed now. my family is in the states, and my husband is working tonight. just me and my dog koffy.
merry Christmas girl..
The pics are tooo cute!
I have all of my mummys old bags too and when people compliment me on them I love being able to say it was my mums.
btw...is that first pic taken in London by any chance? looks like the pedal boats they have in Hyde Park.
oooooowh i looove vintage pictures!!
Aw, the last photo is so precious.
Merry Christmas doll x
Dane! Hablas espanol?
But I'm glad you're back in your hometown, and I wish you all the best for the holidays :) And by the looks of that Chanel...hhhmmm.
And I agree, when I was in Spain Zara was THE place. So much more economical up there.
Merry Christmas bonita!
ah merry christmas sweety! i seeing childhood pictures! thanks for sharing yours. maybe ill share mine one day :)
Aw, Im sad to hear that Christmas isnt really the time for you since you're away with your parents...I hope you feel better though that you're mother handed down her purse. Funny thing is my mother handed me her vintage LV too. So I know what you mean by how much sentimental it is than purchasing it...
Lovely pictures too. I agree, we don't realize how into fashion we were when we were young until we grow up!
Hope you had a good holiday though :)
=] aw, nice pics.
Happy Holidays
these pictures are so sweet!!
damn overpriced goods!
happy holidays
i wish my mom had chanels when she was my age. :) you are lucky that your mom saved these pictures.
happy holidays sweetie!
Goes to show that the old adage 'fashion fades but style is eternal' holds true. Its nice to hear that despite your sadness at this time of year you're with the fam. the last picture of you is just too precious.
Wishing you a verry happy festive season
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