I'll probably forever be in love with him. When I started reading the book Twilight, he was what I imagined Edward would look like. He is pretty much perfect in my book, guyliner and all, not to mention that his voice makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up and dont even get me started on his eyes..
"If for one minute you think you're better than a sixteen year old girl in a Green Day t-shirt, you are sorely mistaken. Remember the first time you went to a show and saw your favorite band. You wore their shirt, and sang every word. You didn't know anything about scene politics, haircuts, or what was cool. All you knew was that this music made you feel different from anyone you shared a locker with. Someone finally understood you. This is what music is about."
"So many people treat you like you're a kid so you might as well act like one and throw your television out of the hotel window."
- Gerard Way
The Ghost of You - My Chemical Romance
i seriously need a band jacket like that! help me? lol
he has an amazing collex of jackets . . . .
Love those lyrics. They fit perfectly!
If I grow up - I want to be a rockstar!
i was so close to actually speaking to him once. i was in a bakery with my friends and we didn't recognize him until we walked out the door. it sucked cuz i had been staring at his jacket (he had some of that military detailing on it) and saying "damn, that looks awesome". after he walked out the door, my friends and i commented on how he looked so familiar. and then that's when we started beating ourselves up for not talking to him.
btw, my perfect edward = gaspard ulliel or tom sturridge - which is funny, since tom sturridge has a really intense bromance with robert pattinson
I remember when "The Ghost of You" came out I was obsessed with it xD
trust me, never EVER see the movie. will ruin it.
but alas, they are making the next two books into movies, and i will be seeing them.
Great pictures.
I haven't read the book or seen the film.
I haven't seen anyone write about Gerard since I left the MCRmy, and I hadn't seen any new pictures.
Thanks for reminding me how amazing he is :]
Ahhh, their jackets!!
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