- These past few weeks have been such a blur.. I thought, four subjects would not be enough to fill my days - oh boy was I wrong! Time is moving at top speed, and next week I have midterms. That, just blows my mind.
- Today, we were supposed to come dressed in loud colors. Instead, I went for the tights my cousin brought me home from the US. I got heaps of stares for them. Walking to the mall after class, one man even overtook us on the sidewalk, just so he could check out what I was wearing. You must understand, people here are used to blending in with the crowd.. so during rush hour, with the crowds rushing to get to the train station, a girl with leopard legs is quite baffling to most commuters. Well, i would have been pretty offended if nobody had noticed. lol
- I have no idea why my comments were disabled for my last post. I blame it on late night blogging, and a ridiculously shitty Internet connection. Sorrrrrrry.
- Below is evidence of more sugar induced highs. At the end of our 9 hour class, we all pretty much felt like our brains were expanding, or shrinking, or both at the same time, if that makes any sense at all. Mmmm, sprinkles.
- Oh and no, it was nobody's birthday. There need not be a birthday for us to enjoy a delish birthday cake.. no?

listening to Cake - Short Skirt Long Jacket
oh i love the boots and your top! and how you edit your pics looks awesome too..i need more camera lessons over here! everyone is so clever with photographs.
and thank you RE my new boots for your comment! :) i love them too!
hope you had a great day!
xxx LM
I need cake so badly now.
I need cake so badly now.
Your sense of style is always a surprise but you always seem to make it work.
you look gorgeous! and those tights are perfect for you. i would look so silly in them, but you pulled them off so well!
um hai - I'm taking your tights. thx ♥
you're filipino right? do you live there or..? i used to live there (for 10 years) hehe. kumusta ka na? ..that's about the only phrase i remember from my used to be fluent filipino vocabulary.
I like the affect your relocation is having on your style. Can't wait to see what happens.
whew...ur a certified cutie...love ur free spirit and ur fashion anarchy...hmp ur so anti-bryanboy...not that i hate him though...but u seem more real than him...hehe
cool boots dane! oh I can just imagine the looks you got from the tights. that's Manila for you ;p I love them tho. I've always felt an affinity for animal print.
yeah! Carlo loves doing that whole wine with sprite thing, especially on hot afternoons/sunsets out of town :) and thanks for inadvertently correcting my use of the term, I always forget! hehe. I corrected the spelling ;)
right, my friends are in the weekend classes. cos Di works during weekdays, and theyre also classmates with my other friend Mai. your classes sound amazing! it looks like so much fun :)
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