- When I'm sick, I usually opt to wear something special, as to lift my spirits. Hence, the 4 1/2 inch heels at school. I felt better for two hours, but after lunch the dizziness kicked in, and I decided to pull a half day.
- Last week of the term = lots of work to do. I am only online because I have to print things for my mood board. I still have to design a wedding entourage & put my mood board together. How I will survive this all, I have no idea.
- Did you watch the Oscars? I totally cried when Heath Ledger won, especially when his sister mentioned his little Matilda in their acceptance speech. What a beautiful moment.
- I just watched Rachel getting married, which is the movie Anne Hathaway was nominated for and thought it was an amazing film. Cried loads too. I never like Anne H much, but I think I might be a fan after all.
- Last Sunday I didn't make it to the themed party I planned to attend, because I was crazy sick.. booo, I knowwww. In my frustration, I took a navy blazer and went at it with scissors. It is now shorter, kinda like a tux jacket. I am still thinking about turning it into either a military jacket, or adding some white piping.. right now I am leaning towards the piping idea.
- The bracelet I am wearing above, is made out of a silver chain + some cord.. I forgot to take a photo as I was in a bit of a hurry this morning. I made the chain extra long so it can be used as a headband too. Brilliant.
- My new header is a profile sketch this dude at my school made of yours truly. It took about 15 seconds. Talent. Some just have it.
- I think my bangs need a trim.
listening to Run - Snow Patrol
(I'm kinda obsessed with this song)
oh i really love this song from snow patrol :D
sprichst du eigentlich auch deutsch? haha wenn nicht, ist auch nicht so schlimm :D aber dann schreib ich dashier ja grad voll umsonst -.-'
najjjaaa ich LIEBE deinen style und du hast echt so ein glück, dass du an so nem schönen ort lebst :D
okay, liebste grüße aus köln :D
i love the printed legging.
hope you're all better now.
lol you sure cry a lot
I hope you get well real soon!
and your hair is growing so fast, is that natural curls?
cute =) love the leggings =)
I'd be super interested in seeing a close up of the bracelet sometime.
I'd be super interested in seeing a close up of the bracelet sometime.
very cute outfit!
i hope i could pull off a bangs the way you do.
I think we need to do a clothes swap Dane. I hope we're the same size so I can steal this tuxedo jacket you speak of ;)
great outfit! love your vest and shoes :)
love the outfit, comfy yet cute :)
i'm quite jealous of your ability to dress yourself when you're sick. i go in the complete opposite direction and tend to opt for things that are comfortable and frumpy.
and yes, people are just so talented. i'm envious of the people who can pick up a pencil and just sketch. my lack of creativity leads to very lackluster doodles on my end.
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