Best. Haircut. Ever.
- You'd think shaving a third of your head might trigger the flow of tears.. So not true. Jaime did an amazing job with the zigzags, its unbelievable. And as I anticipate the "What did you do?!" emails from my relatives on facebook, I revel in the fact that by chopping off a few strands I seem to have gained an almost electric kind of surge of creativity. Not to mention my giggles as I rode my bike on the main road to the many ooohs and aahhhhs of the bystanders, but all I could think about was how breezy my left side felt, and how deprived my right side must be feeling..
- It seems that with each garment I make, I lose a bit of the Me-who-likes-to-dress-up-to-go-out. If I could do some hocus pocus and transform all my girly dresses into tank tops and cut offs in the most basic shades, I would be a happy camper. I just seem to have lost all my drive in making myself presentable. Luckily thats what I have my man-friend for, who promptly reminded me that: "..thats exactly why the most brilliant designers always step out in basics." Bless his heart.
- I am putting together a series of shirred beach dresses to put into the shop here on the island. I will also make them available to my local readers [I would ship internationally too, but it costs and arm and a leg and a toe to do so] but instead of putting up a store I will just do it via blog or maybe Ebay. Turns out time management is not exactly one of my strengths...
What's the most drastic thing you have done with your hair?
dane x
dane x
wow! the zig-zags are amazing- you look fantastic miss! <3
love the do cuz! wish i can shave my head as well... but i'm sure that it'll probably get me fired... or at least a major sermon from everybody around me.... not to mention i got a few stitches to hide... ;-)
- Ten
OMG!!! IT'S FUCKING AWESOME!!!! <3 You have so much guts to do that & I rightly so. It's brilliant.
I cut my hair to a pixie cut (kinda) looked *shite* on me, but you live and you learn! =D
Major kudos Dane!! xxx
You blow my mind! I'm so glad you decided to do it.
The most drastic thing I've done with my hair is getting a fringe. Honestly, I have absolutely no motivation to get a haircut I have to maintain.
You blow my mind! I'm so glad you decided to do it.
The most drastic thing I've done with my hair is getting a fringe. Honestly, I have absolutely no motivation to get a haircut I have to maintain.
oh wow dane! you look sick!!!! u praise to you for doing this.
hmmm most drastic thing i did with my hair...? i think dying my hair to platinum blonde is by far the stupidest thing ive done.
but we all gotta try it once.
looking good
you look stunning! can't stop looking at these pictures!
i'm too scared to do anything drastic with my hair... but i once dyed it orange! and i really loved it, when i today look at pictures of myself with orange hair... i piss my pants laughing! ;-)
Pixie-child! YOU LOOK FABULOUS!!! Love the cut, love how it makes you even MORE beautiful, and love how it's inspiring your creativity too!
Most drastic thing I ever did was shave my head when I was at University. Liked it so much I kept it that way for months.
I've also had long, platinum blonde locks, purple hair, green, and blue. And hundreds of tiny, down-to-my-ass proper afro-braids. Which I loved.
But shaving my head was the best. Totally liberating. FREEEEEEEEE!!! Enjoy your new cut. Like I said - it looks phenomenal. xxx
I tried DIYing on Dyeing, twice. Then curling ironed it. If dyeing could keel.
LOVE the hair, you look so FIERCE!!! I am not brave enough to do that...but I super love it...
hello there! can you add my blogs to your list pleas?? and i will add your blog too...
Philippine Allstars
Beyond Hiphop
Job Hiring Online
Seo Tips For Beginners
NO WAY! I wanted to do the same thing but everyone told me they would hate me then. dane i'm soooo jealous. it looks wonderful!! love it love it love it love it!!!!
I fucking love you.
You know, Michael Kors only dresses in black. He's got the same combination of clothes; pants, shirt, blazer. All in black. So he doesn't have to think about it.
P.S. I got some photos for you. Need to upload and tweak. It'll be up by Wednesday. xoxo.
WOW somehow this totally suits you...you have such a sweet face but with this hair, you are suddenly one cool AND hot chicka. Yowza!
I play it safe with my hair because I don't have a lot of it - though I thought extentions were quite risky, and then dying the tips blue :P
WOW! Not many people can pull of this look, but you totally do! You look so cool.
Damn, I wish I had your devil-may-care attitude! I've been wanting to go bald since high school but have had no good excuse to do it except that I really want to. Now I'm in an uptight, image-is-everything environment and need to look professional all the time. It sucks. I wanna break FREE!
i looove body harnesses
most drastic thing?
not doing anything to it at all
this looks like a ray-ban ad but without the glasses. i'm am loving it!
danesky!!! you DID it! gawd, you're totally killing it. and like i said, you're like, the only one who CAN kill it.. gorgeous!
btw, congrats on the blog turning a year older!
ur really beautiful. love the haircut. edgy.
you are so fierce.
i love it! my friends have done the shaved head thing but not with as many zig zags, just steps. this is definitly taking it a step further. its amazing.
Amazing pics!
Check out my fashion blog
I LOVE IT sweets!!!!
I absolutely LOVE your hair...
It's so edgy, very "RenegadeLovers" and Alice Dellal.
p.s. want to trade links?
Coolest cut ever! Bravo!
The most drastic thing I have ever done is dye my blonde hair dark brown. People didn't recognize me!!
OMG. FIERCE does not even cover this.
It's crazy fantastic Dane!
I'm still contemplating my dreds, my hair's probably long enough now
It's insane, Dane, but I love the guts and the expression...Sadly, I can't do anything more drastic than getting blonde, because my work requires me to be always professional,and I can't afford to lose my job =p
You're amazing!I followed you =)
wore dreadlocks for 3 years.. :)
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