Sadly, not even a hyped up dose of steroids, anti-histamines, antibiotics and cough syrups is doing much to change the current state of my long suffering lungs. This is probably the price I am paying for having been a smoker for more than half my young life, and it is a punishment I do not wish upon anyone. During the daytime I am usually to busy and stressed to notice how bad my cough is, but at night and after a long day of socializing with smokers, it is relentless and leaves me gasping for air while clutching my inhaler. I am hoping my doctor will either double my dosage or recommend different pills, because right now I'm not exactly on the fastest route to recovery.. and I really want to avoid turning this thing into pneumonia..
Today my boyfriend is forcing me to stay at home, away from all things that make sicker than a dog, smoke, dust, sun, sweets.. and I am bored out of my wits and not even the SATC dvd is doing much to change my mood. In my desperation I figured all I had left was my camera and some purple art paper, so I snipped away and pulled that valentines spirit out from deep within me.
I'm excited for the dinner we have planned for tonight and pray to god my medication will allow me to stay up beyond 10pm so I can catch up with all my loved ones and make up for the last couple of weeks of being painfully sober, although the liquor is going to have to wait at least another week before it gets back into my system. Nothing like drinking mock-tails and overeating to heal a wounded party soul.. this being sick thing is getting in the way of my social life! hahha
Thanks for all your emails and well wishes! I shall get back on track as soon as possible, don't give up on me ;)
Happy Valentines Day!
hope you get well soon dane!
it's not too late to heal those lungs..:D
ps. love that romper!
happy hearts day!
♥ vanilla ice cream ♥
Get well soon Dane,
You are still pretty and fabulous kahit may sakit...
Take Care
and happy valentines day to you!!!!
get well sooooon, you look amazing x
ahh the good old smoking kills cliche.. i tell that to myself everyday single day.. you look so cute in that number ^^
The ViXeN's LaiR
happy valentines my dear! tons of hugs and blessings for you. I can't get tired of saying that you look gorgeous! you inspire me Dane.
You're so darling in that romper! Feel better pretty lady. Maybe V-day sweet lovin' will make you feel better? ;)
awwwww still havent improved? hope you'll get well... i so am jealous with the romper!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That little romper is just about the most adorable thing I've seen. Happy Valentine's Day!
you should try steam inhalation, Dane. it helps me get through mild asthma attacks :)
lovely romper!
get well soon ;)
my god you look fantastic.
Hope you feel better soon lovely, I love those pictures!
where'd u get ur romper??!!? YOU'RE SO SEXY!!!!!!!!!!!!
this romper is absolutely perfect! It really complements your skin tone so well :) love it!
I love the romper and it's color is gorgeous :) Cute photos!
necklace looks amazing on you. love how you wear it with bright colors!!
hugs ♥
but you look gorgeous even when you're sick.
feel better soon * * *
Thanks everyone, I got the romper at my local thriftstore, its a gem! =)
hey girl, sorry i've been mia - exams and vacays have been consuming my life for a little while. LOVE that romper on you. red is your colour !
xx lue
Hi Dane! Love love that romper! I'm an avid reader of yours and I so happen to see this lady on tv that really looks like you. http://www.vivientan.com
Cheerios! =)
Oh wow. Love the playsuit with the belt. Great look. Hopefully spring will be back in Europe soon as well ... I wanna wear playsuits <3
hello beautiful
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